3 Fat Loss Workouts For When You're In A Time Crunch

This article is for those who want to train but either dislike it or can't find the time. Alternatively, it is also for those seeking new result-producing workouts. Regardless of which camp you fall into, here are some workouts that will offer you good results with a minimal time commitment.

Fat Loss Doesn't Need a Lot of Time

Believe it or not, you can lose fat, get stronger, and get in better condition even with minimal workout time per week. I promise it will work, but you've got to commit to three key components:


First, find a window of an extra ninety minutes twice during the week. Even though I am an advocate of time-efficient and demanding training, I am also a realist. I recommend the ninety-minute window because you need time to get to the gym, dress, train, cool down, shower, and get back to wherever you need to be.


"Find the time to train, even if it’s minimal. I know you can set aside at least 1.8% of your time in a week."

Weight Loss Magic: Japanese Technique To Lose Belly Fat Fast [Watch]

There are 10,080 minutes in a week. The 290 minute time periods represent only 1.8% of your total weekly minutes. Find the time to train. It's there.


Second, give 100% effort during the actual workout. Going-all out is the key to these minimal-time exercise options. A workout session in itself does not burn a significant amount of calories, relatively speaking. It’s the post-workout time that is key - when you require calories to replenish and rebuild your body. Dig a deep hole (hard workout) and then sensibly fill it in (diet and rest).


Which brings us to the third component - hole filling. What you eat is going to affect your goals whether the goal is getting stronger or losing fat.


  • Eat a proper balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
  • If you want to gain muscle, then create a calorie surplus.
  • If you want to lose fat, then create a calorie deficit.
  • Emphasize whole foods and minimizing the processed stuff.
  • Hydrate. Your body is 70% water.


I could get more specific but following the above will take you a long way.


The Workouts

Okay, on to the workout options. Here are three workouts you can mix and match over two non-consecutive days each week. Do them on Monday and Thursday, Wednesday and Saturday, or Thursday and Sunday. Whatever your schedule allows, plug the training days in.


Workout #1

  1. 300 Mountain climbers, 4 x 75 reps, 2 x 150 reps, or 1 x 300 reps. Get to 300 reps somehow.
  2. One-half of your bodyweight barbell squats for max reps. 50, 100 or 150 reps. Max to your ability.
  3. Chin-ups x max reps x three sets with a 1-minute rest between each set. If you can't do regular chin-ups, do low pull-ups, Australian pull-ups, or supported pull-ups.
  4. 200 jumping jacks.
  5. 100 bent-knee sit-ups. Don't anchor your feet. Can't do 100? Aim for 50 reps. But start.

Workout #2

Use a resistance where you can achieve only one-half of the target repetitions in one set, then work your way to the total rep goal.


  1. 50 dumbbell or medicine ball squat-to-overhead presses
  2. 30 burpees
  3. 100 bar or dumbbell overhead presses
  4. 150 leg presses
  5. 100 dumbbell or barbell bent-over rows


Workout #3

One time through this exercise menu. Use something like a resistance band or weights that make it difficult to achieve the prescribed reps.


  1. Low/seated row x 25 reps
  2. Leg push (squat, leg press, or deadlift) x 20 reps
  3. Push up x max reps
  4. Pulldown x 15 reps
  5. Leg push (another squat, leg press, or deadlift) x 15 reps
  6. Overhead press x 15 reps
  7. Upright row x 15 reps
  8. Leg push x 10 reps
  9. Incline press x 15 reps
  10. Bicycle crunch x 150 reps
  11. Romanian deadlift x 20 reps

 Men who visit the gym often are less likely to believe in ...

Then, do the total body finisher. Four rounds with minimal rest between each.


  1. Dumbbell squat x 5
  2. Bent-over row x 5
  3. Overhead press x 5
  4. Push up x 5


Find the Time to Train

Find the time to train, even if it’s minimal. I know you can set aside at least 1.8% of your time in a week. Doing something is far superior to doing nothing.


Remember, four may be greater than two, but digging two holes is much better than digging none.
