10-Minute Workouts To Fit Anyone's Busy Day

We know that sometimes people have limited time to devote to meaningful exercise due to work and family obligations. That being a reality, let's look at some viable options that fit a busy lifestyle. If only 10-minute segments fit into your daily schedule, here are some workout suggestions.

Workout 1: Running Only

Simply go for a 10-minute run as hard as you can. Your running pace will diminish quickly, but keep pushing hard for the duration. It's amazing how those 10 minutes of all-out effort will put a strain on your cardiovascular and energy systems. Ultimately, it may put you in the fetal position. Remember, something is better than nothing.
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Workout 2: In Your Home

The only equipment required: a pull-up bar/device and dumbbells or a barbell. Disclaimer: this could be the worst 10 minutes of your fruitful life. But remember, it's only 10 minutes of your 24-hour day. One minute of the following exercises, with no rest between them:


  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • High or low-bar pull-ups
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Jumping jacks
  • Mountain climbers
  • Bar or dumbbell overhead press
  • Run in place
  • Burpees
The 5 Best Pull-Up Bar Stands 2020

 Workout 3: Resistance Equipment Required

Five exercises performed to volitional muscular fatigue at a 10 repetition goal, using a 4-second raising ("up") phase and 8-second lowering ("down") phase with no rest between exercises:


  1. Multi-joint leg exercise - a squat, leg press, or deadlift.
  2. Overhead Press - using a barbell, dumbbell, or machine.
  3. Pulldown - using either a close or wide grip via bodyweight or on a plate-load or selectorized machine.
  4. Chest press - using a barbell, dumbbell, or machine.
  5. Low row - using a barbell, dumbbell(s), or machine.


It's amazing what you can accomplish when time is minimal - provided you work hard. Not much time? Now there are no excuses.
